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Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sorry, God, but we think we're doing our best

Yet another of those curious joint services for our three parishes this evening that are an absolute guarantee that a poorly maintained organ will survive for three bars of the first hymn, then die with an asthmatic wheeze and sigh (it did.) I know exactly how it felt.

We should drop the United Waterside Parishes label for these events and call them United Waterside Church Wardens and Choirs services, for apart from clergy that was virtually the entire ensemble.

Mind you, I can't blame people for staying at home. The prospect of listening to an (amplified) 'music group' trying to do American accents in stuff that even Moody & Sankey would have regarded as sentimental drivel, and then having to listen to a scratch robed choir attempting to sing something they'd never seen before, must be enough to put anyone off.

But the good thing for the CofE is that our congregations in the Waterside parishes will never go over to Rome.

They don't even go over the road to their own churches.

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