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Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Anglicanorum coetibus - 1

The Vatican has now published its Anglican Constitution, the 'Anglicanorum coetibus', which can be read here.

But this, from the press release accompanying the document*, caught my eye:

Contemporary Catholic worship leaves a lot to be desired. The current translation of the Latin Missal for much of the English-speaking world is a flat, awkward, unpoetical, and often inaccurate translation done in American English, which shows little love for the language and its nuances. Liturgical music nowadays is being driven by music publishers, who promote novelty for its own sake and who charge money for the right to perform their music during the Mass.

On the contrary, many versions of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer show a great command of the English language and a love for it in service of the Gospel; these no doubt can be adapted for Catholic worship. Likewise, the Anglicans' long experience with the use of the vernacular in liturgy leaves us a great body of works that are free of royalty payments to publishers.

Coeli! I had no idea that they read Choirstalls in Rome.

CORRECTION 12 Nov 2009

My error. The extract is from the website of a priest in Missouri to the Coetibus, not from the Vatican press release. And it's odd, but I have the distinct impression that a couple of days ago there was rather more there than there is now...

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