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Monday, 12 January 2009

Let's have another go at Auntie

Damian Thompson's blog earlier today (don't bother scrolling down to the feed - it'll have changed by the time you get there, such is the nature of a feed) was having a long overdue bash at Radio 4's feeble attempt to inject a little spirituality into the otherwise slumber-inducing slot-filling that nowadays passes for programming at the Beeb (or should I say "in" the Beeb?  On "on" the Beeb?  Or perhaps "over" the Beeb, a broadcaster whose employees are never quite sure which is the right preposition to use or where a word accent falls) with the programme known to its chums as TFTD, or to us outsiders as Thought for the Day.

So it is refreshing to discover that for quite a long time somebody has been quietly and methodically deconstructing the spiritual sound-bites of TFTD and exposing them to the ridicule and belly-cackles they deserve - as one comment on Damian's blog observed: 'Have you seen this parody site? It takes each day's "thought" and subtly re-writes it to show what the "thinker" is actually "trying to say". Very funny.'  

This is the website, and it's good enough to sit next door to Damian Thompson at the very bottom of this page as a constantly updated feed.

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