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Sunday, 25 January 2009

How much is the licence fee, again?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  The distinctly unlovely Woss is out of the cold and back on Auntie's payroll (half a million quid a month out of the licence fee, which makes my £400-a-month state pension look decidedly pathetic.) And ten minutes into his repulsive programme he's at it again.

Meanwhile, up in the boardroom, the top brass are debating whether to run an urgent appeal for funds to help the innocent victims of the latest war in Gaza, who've been bombed out of their homes, and decide no.  It wouldn't be ethical, see? 

Meanwhile, meanwhile, another lot of top brass, members of the Upper House, are definitely NOT taking bribes, as some uncouth scribes might allege, good heavens no, but are just exploiting loopholes in the rules so as legally to allow their clients to enjoy preferment by tweaking the odd bit of legislation here and there. For a consideration, you understand. For their time and effort. Perfectly legal, perfectly ethical, innit?

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